“Freedom Walk” registration site
Check out this interview with Deb Roux and Jocelyn as we discuss the Freedom Walk and the meaning of the Monument to the Forefathers!
Hope you can join us on September 14th for the walk and a fun afternoon celebrating our God given rights!
It has been a long, long, long time since we have been the “free” nation our forefathers fought so hard to create. It’s time to take back NH. There are 1.389 million people in this state. If 10% of us decided to do something, today, imagine what an impact that would make in our schools/school boards, towns, elections, in our elected offices, etc. Will you choose to get involved in your community today? Check out our “Get Involved” tab after you watch the video below.
Please watch this 15-minute video to learn the secret sauce recipe to taking back NH and our country. See how our forefathers faith in God, was the essential ingredient to becoming the freest nation in the world.
The Pilgrims Formula To Save America! Kirk Cameron in Monumental
Now that we have the formula, we have each other, and most importantly we have God, let’s do this! Let’s take back our republic starting today! Please check out the, “Get Involved,” tab. We have individuals who have shared their contact information with you and are excited to talk with you and get you connected. We have a number of initiatives you can jump right into. School board, Selectmen/Aldermen, and Elections. We are looking for Team Leaders and Team Members in every SAU, Town and City in NH. It is with God’s guidance and our obedience to Him, that will give us the strength, courage, and wisdom we need to restore our freedoms and our republic in NH.
Thank you for choosing to get involved!
NH is better, stronger, and safer when her citizens come together! God bless you!
Latest Blogs
- NH’s primary is on Sept. 10th – Please be sure to vote.
- Reminder to sign up for the Patriot Hub sponsored Freedom Walk. It’s less than a week away on Sept. 14th!
- New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics (NHTM) – Fall Conference October 24 to 25 – Concerns from Ann Marie Banfield – Parental Rights Advocate
- Manchester Schools, Driving Away Families and Wasting Taxpayer Money
- Granite Grok update on Dan Richard’s Election Lawsuit…
- Updated – August 30th – Dan Richard’s Day in Court
- Let’s do this NH – Call to action to help secure your town/city elections on 9/10 and 11/5!
- Sept. 3rd @ 4pm Kick off Event for Women for Trump!
- WICKED: New Hampshire Supreme Court Rules Schools Can Keep Parents in the Dark About Their Children’s Gender Transitions
- Interesting article featuring New Hampshire – “Hacking blind spot: States struggle to vet coders of election software”
See the Blog menu item for all blogs